GiveTaxFree.Org is the legal DBA name of World Christian Charity Fund and our mission is to:
- Helping Others in Need
- Encourage the kind, caring and humanitarian values of helping others in need.
- Provide an easy and secure platform through which those in need can share their stories while those making donations receive tax deductions.
- Provide well-paying jobs to Veterans, handicapped individuals and all other qualified people.
- We respect your privacy and we will not share or sell your information with any person or organization.
- We will only use the information to fulfill your request or order.
- If you make a donation, your credit card information will be sent directly to our credit card processing company through our secure server and we will not know or receive your credit card information.
- The only time we will share your information is if we are required to do so by court order. Any change to the privacy policy of GiveTaxFree will always be listed here and all changes are retroactive to all users.
* GOFUNDME is a registered trademark of GoFundMe Inc. We are not related to GoFundMe.