UPDATE 16 – February 5, 2025
I continue to be overwhelmed and humbled at the outpouring of support that my wife and I have received since 2023 from friends, colleagues, fellow professionals, acquaintances and from caring individuals that we have never met and likely will never meet in our lives. Your support has meant more than you will ever know. During the year of 2024 my wife and I faced significant health issues with my wife suffering a serious fall with multiple fractures in her shoulder and her collar bone and me ending up in the ICU in septic shock, sepsis, aspiration pneumonia among a host of other problems literally on the verge of death. We would like to thank everyone who contributed to our crowdfunding campaign financially and as well as spiritually. We continue to live life at it’s fullest and we have faith in God to care and protect us as we continue on our journey with these diseases.
Some ways you can help to continue the momentum of the campaign which continues to be very important:
- If you haven’t contributed yet and are in a position to do so, please consider making a donation. Every donation helps and even if you are not in position to make a substantial donation, contribute whatever you can. Many small donations can and will make a difference in achieving our overall goal.
- If you have already given a contribution, consider making an additional contributions perhaps that is equal to or if possible larger than your initial contribution.
- Spread the word using your social media and other personal and professional communications.
- If you are unable to contribute, please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.
For those of you who are members of the pharmacy community, I look forward to seeing you in person at the American Pharmacists Association’s (APhA) 2025 Annual Meeting in Nashville. As an APhA staff member for nearly 14 years, I encourage all members of the profession whether you are a pharmacist, technician, student pharmacist or involved in pharmacy to attend this meeting which is a truly amazing and inspiring event.
UPDATE 15 -December 28, 2024
As I reflect on the events of 2024, I can honestly say I could never have imagined the challenges that our family would face. Without the kindness and generosity of the contributors to our campaign, I am not sure how we would have made it through. The contributions we received combined with our faith have given us the strength to persevere through our fourth year of our medical challenges. The year 2024 marked Janet’s third full year in an assisted living facility. Fortunately, she is receiving the care she needs that I am unable to provide, but unfortunately it has led to living separately during the most challenging time of our lives has been difficult. Janet fortunately recovered fairly well from a very bad fall in May when she broke several bones in her shoulder, collar bone and strained her wrist. After 6 weeks confined to a wheelchair, she was back to her daily walking with the help of her walker, but the experience took its toll. The reduction in her mobility combined with her progressive cognitive decline was expected, but still difficult for our family.
In April after a few fall injuries, my doctor strongly suggested that I stop living alone. I made the difficult decision to move to North Carolina to live with my 2 sons who are both pursuing their PhDs in Chemistry at UNC Chapel Hill. They welcomed me and my 2 Lab rescue dogs into their home. July brought an unexpected stay in the ICU at the Duke University Hospital after reporting to my neurologist at John Hopkins that I was having an increased number of falls and having no idea I was sick to learning I had septic shock, sepsis, aspiration pneumonia, a UTI and COVID. The physician in the Duke Hospital trauma center was amazed that I had no idea of how serious my situation was. In the end the tremendous care team members at Duke did an amazing job and had me fixed up and discharged in a week.
After that experience, I thought that things could only improve and improve they did. My daughter delivered the most adorable fraternal twins on December 7th. My wife and I were both very happy that we were able to spend time with little Anna Marie and Matthew James along with their older sister Emma Grace who is two and a half and both cute and smart.
Thank you once again for your kindness and generosity to help us through this year.
If you have the desire to make an additional tax-deductible donation to help support the costs of our extensive care, please go to www.GiveTaxFree.org and search for our campaign using Owen.
Remember, if you would like the tax-deductible donation for 2024, please be sure to make your donation by December 31, 2024.
UPDATE 14 – August 23, 2024
What a summer it has been! Janet’s recovery from her fall has left her weakened on her left side. She is back to daily walking but in limited distance of her facility. She had a close call the other day and fortunately a man walking his dog was able to catch her and get her stabilized. She was very grateful. Her disease seems to be progressing with it now also affecting her speach. In my eventful summer, I had an increased number of falls and I just assumed it was due to the MSA- C progression, but my neurologist said it could be an infection. So since I am still down in North Carolina with my sons, I went to Duke Health Urgent Care. My blood pressure was extremely low and they said I needed to go to the main hospital by ambulance. By administering norepinephrine the EMTs were abler to get my BP up to 78/42. I then spent time in the ER trauma unit and then was sent to the ICU for a couple of days. Today, one month later I am all better and keeping up with my PT and cardio on my recumbant trike. We thank you for your continued support of this campaign for Janet and me. If you desire, you can make another donation, as we are keeping the site open. May God bless all of you for your kindness and generosity. Please enjoy the remainder of the summer.
UPDATE 13 – June 7, 2024
Nearly a month after Janet’s fall, she regained some function in her left hand, however, the Orthopedic Specialist still has her shoulder and the rest of her left arm immobilized. She is currently confined to a wheelchair, and it is unknown when or if she will be able to use her walker and walk on her own. Based upon the imaging in the next 2 weeks, the doctor will determine if a more aggressive approach including surgery is required.
This week many individuals who made contributions and provided their names received or will receive a card by US mail with a request from me for an additional donation to the campaign. Any anonymous contributors are more than welcome to contribute as well, but I had no way of reaching them except through this update. To stress the severity of our current situation and to be completely transparent with all of the generous contributors to our campaign, our situation is currently extremely dire. After over 3 years of Janet living requiring assisted living care, we have sold our home and depleted the proceeds, depleted our retirement savings which only were accumulated to age 53 when we were both diagnosed, drained our personal savings and now we are surviving on the contributions from this campaign and are relying on Social Security Disability and payments from our Long-term Disability Insurance. Our situation is overwhelming to say the least.
After I had several falls while living in a two-floor home, close to Janet’s facility, I was forced to move to a home that was only one floor at the insistence of my doctor at Hopkins. Fortunately, my landlord was kind enough to end my lease early. With nowhere else to go, I moved in with my two sons, who are living together while in graduate school, both at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. So now I am 280 miles away from Janet and over three hundred miles from my doctors at Johns Hopkins.
The total cost of care is truly astounding, specifically for Janet and her costs for assisted living. Since 2021 to-date we have incurred well over $300,000 of care costs with more added this year as the result of her fall and increased care needs. By the end of 2024 I have estimated we will have incurred $400,000 or more in Janet’s care costs alone in her assisted living facility. In addition to all of this we have my care costs and other costs to live. The only way we have survived is through the kindness and generosity of contributors to our campaign who I can’t possibly thank enough. in addition, a huge thank you to my friend, mentor and former boss Tom Menighan for suggesting creating this crowd-funding campaign. The care and compassion you have all provided by contributing to our campaign is appreciated by my entire family. In my request to the known donors, I asked if possible that they consider matching their original contribution and several individuals have already done this. If you are able to make a larger donation than your original donation that would be sincerely appreciated. If you can’t contribute the amount, you originally contributed, any amount would be appreciated. My hope and prayer are that those who have helped us in the past and many more will help us with our desperate situation.
Thank you all once again for your past contributions, prayers and support. My God bless you for your kindness and generosity in supporting our campaign and helping us through this extremely difficult time.
Jim Owen
UPDATE 12 -May 11, 2024
This past week was a rough week for Janet. On Tuesday while out on her daily walk, with her specialized UStep II walker, in the neighborhood near her assisted living facility she experienced a severe fall. She fell to the pavement, hit her head, fractured her left shoulder in multiple places and injured her left hand. Luckily many caring individuals including the facility director came to her aid and called an ambulance to get her emergency care. While she has bruises on her face a black eye and a bump on her head she suffered no serious head injury. Her orthpaedic specialist will be reevaluating her shoulder with additional imaging in the following week to determine if he needs to perform surgery and insert pins for it to properly heal. We hope that this was an isolated incident, but with PSP progression increased N number of falls is typical. Many thanks to all those who have provided prayers and support. We are very appreciative.
UPDATE 11 – April 28, 2024
Many thanks to all of you that have contributed to helping my wife and me over the past year and a half. We are truly overwhelmed with your generosity and support during this challenging time for us. Since our needs are ongoing and we have yet to meet the goal of the campaign, I am sending this additional communication to you. If you have already contributed, please, if possible, consider making an additional contribution, even if is a nominal amount, combined with contributions from others it helps us immensely. If you have not contributed, consider contributing whatever amount you desire. Crowdfunding was our last resort and not an option I would have ever considered, but we have run out of options. Whether you decide to contribute or not, I would kindly ask if you would share with friends, family, individuals within your organizations, and those in your social networks. Your help and your support are sincerely appreciated. Thank you for your consideration of this request.
Dear friends, colleagues, and acquaintances:
I am sending out this email to you with the hope that you will provide any assistance you can either monetarily or spiritually to help me and my wife as we face the biggest challenge of our lives.
A monetary donation of any amount you are able to make to help support the costs of expensive therapies, on-going physical and occupational therapy, extensive medical care, care in an assisted living facility. The support is for my wife, Janet Owen who has a terminal neurodegenerative disease called Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP) and for myself, Jim Owen, diagnosed with a similar terminal neurodegenerative brain disease, Multiple System Atrophy Cerebellar Type (MSA-C). Janet, who was diagnosed almost 4 years ago at 55, is already in an assisted living facility to meet her needs as her disease has progressed to a very advanced stage. At the same age as my wife. I was diagnosed almost 4 years ago, and I was fortunate with the help and support of our grown children to still be living independently until recently when I had a fall and some injuries and I made the move 290 miles from my wife to live with my sons temporarily in North Carolina, who are currently in graduate school, both for the costs of care and the need for care assistance and monitoring.
I never thought I would be making this request, but if you can, please help us by making a tax-deductible donation through an organization called Givetaxfree.org. To learn more about the Givetaxefree.org organization, about our campaign or to make a contribution please visit tthps://givetaxfree.org/campaigns/help-a-mom-and-dad-with-rare-terminal-brain-diseases-requiring-assisted-living-and-ultimately-nursing-home-care/
We know that everyone will not be able to help us financially. If you are unable to give we simply ask for your prayers for Janet, myself, and our family as we face the most challenging time in our lives.
James (Jim) Owen
Update 10 – December 2, 2023:
Happy Holidays to Everyone,
Our family hopes everyone who contributed to our campaign will have a wonderful holiday season. We are truly amazed at the amount of support you have all given, and we are striving to meet our goal by the end of 2023. You can help us do that by contributing a tax-deductible donation of any amount to help primarily with the costs for Janet’s Assisted Living Facility, which is an absolute necessity because of her further advanced disease and my inability to provide care due to my disability.
While it has been a challenging year, we will make it through 2023. It is hard to believe, but Janet is entering her third year at Kensington Falls Church. She was seen by a team of doctors last month at Johns Hopkins, and they are amazed that her Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP) has progressed slower than expected. The doctors aren’t sure why, but her case is atypical, with the first symptoms occurring about a decade earlier than most patients.
This month is my turn, and I will return to see my team of doctors at Johns Hopkins this upcoming week. While it seems like I live at Johns Hopkins with all of my appointments, this week, I get to see their team together. From my physical therapy assessments, my Multiple System Atrophy (MSA-C) has affected my motor function moderately. We are working to address all my other body systems with medication treatment as best as we can, but it is an ongoing battle and challenge. Since the diseases are so rare, doctors must continually address the unpredictable nature of these neurological diseases.
On a more positive note, after three years at Paul VI High School, Alaina returned to her alma mater, Bishop Denis J O’Connell High School, to teach, and she is pleased. Her daughter Emma is adorable and will be 2 in March. Our sons Brad and Connor are both at UNC Chapel Hill working on their Ph. Ds in Organic Chemistry Synthesis. Brad is halfway through his third year and has completed his oral examination for his PhD candidacy in organic chemistry. Connor started in his lab and is doing well in his first-year classes.
We have asked many friends, colleagues, acquaintances, and others we have never met who have heard about our story and have been compelled to contribute. Some individuals have made significant contributions to get us to this point. With what seems like the continually rising costs of care and unplanned expenses every day, by reaching our goal in 2023, we will be at a point where we can continue to cover and maintain the expenses.
So, if you can, please consider making an end-of-year tax-deductible donation to our campaign. Your contributions are appreciated more than you will ever know, and the difference you have made in our lives with your support has been incredible. As always, if you cannot give, we ask that you continue to pray for both Janet and me as we continue on this journey.
Our family wishes you a blessed holiday season and a happy, healthy, and wonderful New Year.
Best Regards,
Jim Owen
Update 9 – September 16, 2023:
Janet and my conditions have continued to progress, but at a slower rate than the doctors had initially expected. The one thing I have learned from our current situation is that when it comes to medical expenses, enough seems never enough. Over the summer, I thought we were in the clear for support in the short term, but now, other unexpected fees and expenses have arisen. Please help us with a financial contribution of any amount.
The outpouring of generosity to date has been incredible, and Janet and I are so very grateful. We would not have made it through the summer without the support we have received. Please make your first donation or provide us with additional help. If you cannot contribute financially, we ask for your prayers, Janet, me, and our family.
May God bless you for your kindness and generosity!
Update 8 – July 12, 2023:
As we are approaching six months since the campaign began, I am pleased to inform you all that due to the generosity and kindness of many, we have reached 53% of our initial goal. I cannot thank those who have contributed enough for your support. Being ongoing terminal illnesses, our needs are endless.
It would be very beneficial and highly welcome if you could make an initial or an additional contribution to the campaign.
I want to extend my thanks to two extraordinary people. The first is to my former colleague, mentor, and friend, Tom Menighan, Current Partner of Pharmacy Advisors and the former Chief Executive Vice President of the American Pharmacists Association, for coming up with the idea of using crowd-funding as a solution for me and my wife’s unexpected and extraordinary financial need. Secondly, thank Jann Skelton, President of Silver Pennies Consulting, a former colleague, mentor, counselor, and friend, for all her help and support. Her expertise in fundraising is exceptional, and her encouragement and support are genuinely inspiring.
Thank you to all who have contributed, prayed, and helped us on this journey.
Best Regards,
Jim Owen
Update 7 – June 15, 2023: It is hard to believe that in just under six months, we raised 52% of our highly ambitious goal needed for the long-term care of Janet and me. From small to unbelievably large donations, we have 379 contributions, with several individuals donating multiple times. We are so grateful to those who have made their tax-deductible donation to help us. We ask, if possible, that you make an additional donation to assist us in the long term. For those who considered donating, please seriously consider donating any amount you can. With these diseases being unpredictable in how long we will need care and when we need higher levels of care, our crowd-funding effort through this campaign is preparing for those future expenses. We ask for your prayers if you do not have the means to contribute. While we are both progressing, fortunately, it is currently slow.
A huge thank you to our 379 contributors who have stepped up and helped us, those we know, and those who donated anonymously. Each of you has helped us more than you will ever know. May God bless you all!
Update 6 – May 30, 2023: Janet and I met with our neurologist at Johns Hopkins on May 24. Fortunately, our diseases have progressed slightly slower than expected due to the exercise, physical therapy, and occupational therapy we have both undergone.
I am so pleased to report that we passed the 51% mark in our fundraising goal. I cannot thank everyone who has contributed to help us enough, with some individuals making three or more contributions. We appreciate the kindness, generosity, and support from our friends, former colleagues, and acquaintances. It has been truly inspiring.
Thank you to everyone who has contributed to date. Your kindness and generosity have helped Janet and me in so many ways, including helping to keep Janet in the same Assisted Living Facility where she feels comfortable rather than having her move to another location before she enters a Skilled Nursing Facility.
While we have already raised a substantial sum, our financial need will continue for some time since there is no treatment or cure, and the need for care will continue to intensify. If you have already contributed, thank you, and consider if your situation will allow you to make an additional contribution. If you have not yet contributed, please consider donating any amount you can.
Once again, thank you all for your kindness and generosity. Your help is appreciated more than you will ever know. May God bless you all and keep you in his care always.
Jim Owen
Update 5 – May 1, 2023: My wife and I have been overwhelmed by the support and contributions in only three months. As of this past week, we officially passed the 50% mark of our goal. We have been overwhelmed by many colleagues, friends, relatives, and some individuals we have never met who have been so kind and generous. We have been able to thank those whose names we know, but many have chosen to donate anonymously. To all who have contributed, we are incredibly grateful.
Janet and I will be evaluated by our neurologist specialist in a few weeks to determine the progression of our diseases. If it is determined that Janet requires additional care beyond assisted living, she will most likely transition to a skilled nursing facility. Hopefully, that will not be the case. Either way, the cost of care for both of us continues to accrue. The contributions to date have helped us tremendously. However, to meet our long-term needs, we must continue to push forward with our efforts.
If you have already contributed to our cause, we would greatly appreciate any additional assistance you can provide. If you have not already donated, we ask that you consider donating. If you cannot contribute, we kindly request your thoughts and prayers. Thank you all once again for your kindness and generosity.
Update 4 – March 23, 2023 – Yesterday marked a significant point in our campaign as we reached and exceeded $75,000. The generosity and kindness of all those who have contributed have been genuinely excellent. Some individuals or groups have made multiple donations, which is extremely kind. Janet and I know that not everyone is able to give a significant gift. Donating $35, $50, or $100 will help tremendously reach our goal. You can always come back to the site at GiveTaxFree if you would like to contribute more in the future, for example, after receiving your tax refund. We sincerely thank everyone who has helped us in our time of need. May God bless you all!
Update 3 – February 18, 2023 – The outpouring of support from friends, colleagues, acquaintances, and strangers has touched our hearts. We still have a long way to go to reach our goal since these diseases are highly variable in duration. If you have already given, we ask that you consider an additional contribution. If you haven’t contributed yet, we ask that you make a contribution that will help us in many ways. As I have said, please donate if you can, and if you are unable to, your prayers are most definitely welcome and sincerely appreciated.
Update 2 – February 7, 2023 – Janet and I are so grateful for the outpouring of support and feel so blessed that we are surrounded by such a wonderful community of people willing to help us. We have raised nearly one-third of our goal in only nine days of this campaign. If you have thought about donating and haven’t done so yet, please know that your contribution, no matter what the amount, will help us tremendously. If you have already contributed and can make an additional tax-deductible donation, please do so. As with everyone, the future is uncertain, but we know that while our financial needs are substantial now, they will increase as our diseases progress. Contribute if you can, and if you are unable to, your prayers are most definitely welcome and sincerely appreciated.
Update 1 – January 31, 2023 – Thanks to the generosity of many supporters in only four days, from minor to huge donations, we have successfully raised nearly 25% of our campaign goal. If you have already donated, thank you. Your support is truly appreciated. If you haven’t contributed, we ask you to reconsider. While the campaign goal seems high, the cost of care for one person is overwhelming.
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________Our Promise – Please be assured that all the money raised in this campaign will go entirely to treatments, care, and associated medical, assisted living, long-term care, hospital, and other costs associated with battling PSP by Janet and MSA by Jim. Any residual funds, if any, will be donated to CurePSP, John’s Hopkins Neurological Research, or the Healing Hearts Respite House > Non-Profit Charity Virginia (healingheartsrespitefoundation.org) that helps families experiencing complex health challenges and providing desperately needed respite care.
Our Ask – A donation of any amount to help support the costs of expensive therapies, ongoing physical and occupational therapy, extensive medical care, care in an Assisted Living Facility, and when ultimately needed, to help pay for Nursing Home care for a young wife and mother, Janet Owen, as she suffers from a rare terminal neurodegenerative disease called Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP). And for myself, Jim Owen, a young husband and father afflicted by a similar degenerative brain disease, Multiple System Atrophy Cerebellar Type (MSA-C). We will ultimately end up in a Skilled Nursing Facility until these incurable diseases claim our lives.
The Reason for Our Need – In September 2019, our seemingly perfect life became uprooted when we learned that my wife, Janet Owen, who was then 51, had a sporadic terminal neurodegenerative disease called Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP), which many, including my wife and I both as pharmacists, had no awareness about. PSP is closely related to diseases like Parkinson’s Disease, Alzheimer’s Disease, and Lou Gehrig’s (ALS). The cause is unknown, but it results in substantial damage to the brain, interfering with its function and ultimately resulting in death 5-9 years from symptom onset. When Janet was eventually diagnosed, she was so impaired and incurred so many falls that she had to repair her cervical spine and could never return to work. The doctor who confirmed the diagnosis believes the disease likely began to surface in 2014 or 2015.
In December of that same year, I began experiencing my problems, which I incorrectly assumed were due to a lower back problem; however, I was wrong. My family physician referred me to specialists, who referred me to other specialists. I had test after test and MRIs of every single part of my body. Ultimately, I was referred to a local neurologist, who said, “We have no idea what is wrong with you, so you should go to Johns Hopkins.” As you may recall, that was at the beginning of the pandemic, and by my referral to Johns Hopkins, the pandemic had caused its issues in late April. Luckily, a neurology specialist reviewed my records through a friend and the power of electronic health records and information sharing. When I met with him on May 15, 2020, he diagnosed me with another condition my wife had never heard of: Multiple System Atrophy Cerebellar Type (MSA-C). While distinctly different from my wife’s PSP, MSA-C is also in the same family of diseases as PSP. However, unlike my wife’s disease, the disease affects the nervous system throughout the body in addition to causing degeneration of the brain stem. In my case, it impacts the cerebellum, which impairs my ability to walk. The one good news, if there is one, is that my neurologist at Johns Hopkins estimated my disease to have started approximately two years before diagnosis; however, by the early summer, the disease had progressed to impairing my ability to work. The condition usually results in death in 8 to 11 years from symptom onset.
My wife and I dealt with our diagnosis the best we could until November 2021. With my disability and the fact that we owned a 2-story home, it became impossible for Janet to live in our home. At age 53, she entered an assisted living facility. We sold our house, and I began renting a small 1-story home relatively close to her facility for me, our dogs, and my sons when they were home from college and graduate school. Ultimately, we will both end up in a Skilled Nursing Facility where we will spend our final days while these two diseases have no effective treatments. This type of care is even more costly than our current situation. Going from a 2-family income family with two kids still in college to neither of us working was challenging, to say the least, and now has led us to a position where we have exhausted our retirement savings, burned through the capital gains from our house, are deeply in debt and behind on my wife’s monthly facility fees.
When I have to enter a care facility, our costs will at least double. While I ordinarily would not ask for anyone’s monetary help, our situation is desperate. I am hopeful that people we know, and perhaps those we don’t know, would be kind enough to make whatever contribution they can. If you cannot help us financially, we kindly ask for your prayers for Janet and my family.
Learn more about PSP and MSA
youtube progressive supranuclear palsy – – Video Search Results (yahoo.com)
multiple system atrophy cerebellar you rube – – Video Search Results (yahoo.com)
YouTube multiple system atrophy – – Video Search Results (yahoo.com)
Our Back Story – Thirty-six years ago, I met my future wife, Janet Murphy, when we transferred from other colleges and became students at the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy & Science. We graduated and got married in 1990. Through Janet’s prior work experience with a phenomenal family-run, regional chain pharmacy called Happy Harry’s, Janet and I both spent what we didn’t know at the time would be half of our professional lives working for this tremendous organization in various positions.
In 1996, we welcomed our first child, Alaina, with some drama when Janet developed appendicitis at 28 weeks and her appendix burst during the surgery. In 1999 and 2002, Alaina’s two brothers, Brad and Connor, arrived, and our lives seemed perfect. In the early 2000s, I began a Doctor of Pharmacy Program, which I finished in 2007. In 2007, when Happy Harry’s had an ownership change, Janet and I decided to venture out and try something new: a career in the non-profit world, working beyond the boundaries of one company. We were excited to focus on projects and initiatives leading the pharmacy profession into the future. A very gracious person, Anne Burns, hired me in 2007 at the American Pharmacists Association and mentored and trained me in association management. It seemed that every day, I was learning something new, and ultimately, by the time I left on disability, I was APhA’s Vice President of Practice and Science Affairs. In addition, for ten years, from 2008 to 2018, I worked as an intermittent pharmacist in the evenings and on the weekends at the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
While I was working at APhA and NIH, Janet was learning new skills working for a managed care organization, ultimately managing one of the organizations’ most extensive and bustling facilities, not only for their outpatient pharmacy but for the entire facility, including their clinics and even their surgical suites. When her symptoms became too severe to serve in that capacity, she became one of the organization’s clinical pharmacy supervisors.
We were in the prime years of our personal and professional lives. We had one grown child in graduate school and 2 in college when we were diagnosed in our early 50s. Isn’t it strange how unpredictable life can indeed be?