Our boiler needs to be replaced, and there isn’t enough of a nest egg to do this. We’ve tried, Lord knows we’ve tried, to cover all bases over the years, but this boiler is over 20 years old, far more than the average expected lifespan of a oil boiler. As we are learning the hard way, a steam oil burner is both very efficient (that’s great!) and far more expensive (not so much) compared to a gas furnace or a more common hot water-type boiler. And of course, this happens within 12 days of Christmas. This is something of a George Bailey moment for me, minus the absent-minded uncle misplacing the deposit in front of the ill-intended Potter (warped, frustrated old man). As these moments teach a hard life lesson, we will are very thankful for the life we have and would appreciate any help in getting us through this rough patch.
The goal is an estimate based on what we have learned is the expected cost to put this house called home back on track.
With love and appreciation, and all the warmth of the holidays, thank you.
Photo: The children made a snowman while we were dealing with the furnace. Let the children be children.