We Need Your Help!
We have supported many spiritually, morally, and financially as they delt with life occurrences; but now it is us who need assistance. Hello, I’m Mrs. Alice D. Hughes, a Desert Storm Disabled Veteran.
On February 10, 2023, I lost my mother, on that same day my husband 70-year-old Keith was injured at work and then fired on March 10, 2023. By the end of the month I, 69-year-old Alice was diagnosed with “Multiple Myeloma”. It is cancer of the plasma cells. These white blood cells are found in the bone marrow and produce antibodies to help your immune system fight infections. I spent two weeks in Conway Medical Center, Conway, SC; before being transferred to Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) in Charleston, SC. Due to my disease, I now have dialysis three times a week at Fresenius Kidney Clinic in Conway, SC and must travel 210 miles roundtrip to Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) in Charleston, SC, every Wednesday, to take labs, be evaluated for progress, and receive Chemotherapy injections.
We have depleted our savings and are living off our social security and pensions to keep a roof over our head; but from some income to no income can bring about drastic change in one’s life.
We are working daily to get back up on our feet, my husband is fighting a battle with Workmen’s Compensation (WC) from PUBLIX Super Market for a torn rotator cuff on his left shoulder; and basically, is taking care of me with one arm.
Currently, my husband is awaiting a hearing with (WC) regarding his shoulder and I’m attempting to upgrade my disability rating with the Veterans Administration, (VA) for some assistance.
Despite the host of situations facing us, we awake every day and thank God for another day above ground! Therefore, anything that you can spare would help, even if it’s just your prayers!
Thank you and may God bless.
Alice & Keith Hughes.