Hi. My name is Roxy, and I am reaching out to you for help for my husband, Gregg, and myself, along with my two dogs, Boo and Henry Bojangles.
This is a very tough thing to do, but there comes a point in time where desperate times call for desperate measures and I have reached that point!
I have not worked since Jan. 24, 2023, and my husband hasn’t worked since the end of February. I had to “retire” from my position, due to rheumatoid arthritis, degenerative disc disease, Sjorgen’s disease, ruptured discs, and spinal stenosis and I need both knees and hips replaced. It was getting to the point that I had to start using two canes to get around and a walker from time to time. My husband is a truck driver and he isn’t working due to DOT requirements. Your blood pressure cannot be over a certain number, and he is, not to mention that he is having other health problems and needs to see a cardiologist. With that all being said, there hasn’t been any income coming into my household since the end of January. We are struggling big time! I have begged, borrowed, and pleaded with everyone that I know and can think of! With every organization and government program, my name is on the list! People have done what they could and we are so appreciative of all of it, but we are still not out of the woods! We don’t know when my husband will be returning to work! I am waiting on disability to be approved and we know that with a government program like that, they take their time. It could be months before I ever see anything and my husband’s insurance is jacking around the short-term disability paperwork and they either need this paper filled out or that paper filled out, but the bottom line is, no one in that company knows what is going on!
My sister has been a huge help, but she is barely making it by, relying on social security and she can’t help anymore. That is why I am on here! That is why I, at the age of 58, am begging total strangers for help with my monthly bills! That is why I am begging total strangers to help us from being evicted and from losing every single thing that we have, including my two dogs. That is why I am swallowing every last bit of pride that I have and am begging you and pleading with you to please help! We are behind on rent, car payment, utilities, phone bill and insurance. We can’t get prescriptions that are needed and those are necessary for Gregg to have to get his blood pressure under control.
Please! If you can help us out at all, we would be forever grateful! Although we cannot pay you back, we can pay it forward and that is what we intend to do as soon as we are back on our feet! Anything helps! Please help us from being homeless!!
Much love to you all!