• help@givetaxfree.org

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On November 28, my husband lost control which ended up with a laceration to the back of my head. He stole my phone, apple watch, computer, car keys, license plates, and debit and credit cards. He threw my clothes all over the bedroom. He was mad that I had gone out with friends. When I got home, he immediately became aggressive. When I tried to get my phone back he pushed me. Right before he had ripped the Christmas tree apart, and thrown the ornaments all over the house. When he pushed me I fell backwards onto the exposed metal Christmas tree rod causing a laceration to the back of my head. He immediately left. I was bleeding everywhere and scared. I called 911 and the cops and EMT’s came. Stitches were required in my head, as well as a tetanus shot and antibiotics to avoid infection. When he returned home the next morning, he was arrested and charged with felony domestic assault. I immediately went and filed a restraining order that next day, and it was granted. We have only been married 4 months. And immediately I saw a different person. Signs of controlling behavior…going through my stuff…trying to ruin relationships with friends and family. I told him very shortly after that I made a mistake and wanted a divorce. But he kept saying he would change. He is an addict. Things didn’t change. I need to file for a divorce. But every attorney has quoted me $3500. That’s $3500 that I just don’t have while I’m also saving and looking for a place to go to in order to leave for good. Any help towards helping me pay for this divorce so my son and I can be safe would mean the world to me. The felony domestic assault case is listed on Case net. Case # 2311-CR04196


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