• help@givetaxfree.org

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The Youngbloods had an unexpected passing of our sister, aunt, and cousin friend Catherine Youngblood on the morning of 3/18/2023.  We are in need of help to cover funeral expenses. We also are gathering money for the repass so we can go eat after the services to fellowship and talk about fond memories. We were not prepared for this. Her passing was unexpected. She has left behind a host of family, friends, and children that she has shown love to and cared for and raised to love and cherish her memory. She has joined in her passing our parents, Henry & Ruby Youngblood, as well as our brother David our aunts, and other family members that have passed before her. We would appreciate any help you can give as we would like to bury her to have a place for loved ones to go talk to her, visit her and not have to do another cremation. Thank you in advance for any help or support. Catherine was born and raised in Richmond, Indiana. She has lived there her whole life. She has been a hard worker. She also was generous to people. She helped people. If she had it, they needed it, she would give it. She has taken in children and cared for them as if they were her own. She has left behind a host of people to love and cherish her memory whom she has in some way shape or form touched their lives. She will be missed and not forgotten.


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