• help@givetaxfree.org

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Hello, my name is Todd Hawley, I’ve been diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer a second time. The year of 2017, I was diagnosed with stage 4 colorectal cancer. By the grace of God, I beat it with surgery and treatment.

On August 30, 2023, I was diagnosed with the same cancer. I had a golf ball-sized tumor in my bladder, which was removed, and then I realized that the tumor came from my colon by my prostate and into my bladder. I am receiving care and chemo every other week.  I have this campaign that my daughter put together to help with hospital bills, rent, car travels, and all other bills that come in. I work construction and on my off weeks of chemo I have trouble with getting things done because of the effect it has on my body. Construction is all I’ve known my whole life I’ve had my own company for many years. I moved to Texas with my wife in 2021. We love it here the weather is good for the both of us as we age. 3 of our children now live here as well they are great support to us. The other 3 children still reside in Illinois and are also great support thank God for video chat to see my wonderful family daily.

I am a father to six beautiful God fearing children and 6 beautiful grandchildren. My hobbies include horseback riding, fishing, and carpentry.  I have been married to my wife 25 years. and would like another 50 with her.

DONATIONS will be used for medical bills, which are piling up fast.

Thank you so much for your time, God bless!


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