Hello. My name is Katie, and I am 31 years old. Back in July of last year, I started having symptoms where my voice changed, I couldn’t swallow well, I felt like someone was choking me, and I was extremely tired. I couldn’t even stay awake for 4 hours without needing a nap. After multiple doctor visits, blood tests, and exams…. I went to a surgeon to have them remove my right-side thyroid. When the biopsy came back after the surgery, they told me I had thyroid cancer. I do have angioinvasion which means it looks like it has entered blood vessels. I had neck lymph node neck mapping, and we are grateful that the cancer looks contained in my thyroid. The right side that they took out does have some abnormal tissue, and they will be looking at both sides now. My second surgery is at the end of the month to have the remainder of my thyroid removed. The first surgery, doctor visits, and tests cost $12,000 last year alone. The financial burden of these surgeries, tests, and doctor visits are causing me and my husband to be wayyyyy over in debt. The surgeon will not do the second surgery unless I pay, and the hospital needs payments prior for a % down before the surgery as well. If anyone is able to help, it would be greatly appreciated. I am normally the type that wouldn’t ask for help, but I am really in need. With insurance, they will pay for a good part of this surgery, but not everything. I am asking for help! Thank you in advanced for taking the time to read this. If you are unable to help financially, I am asking for prayers. Thank you, Katie