• help@givetaxfree.org

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Salam Aleikoum:

You may remember the passing of Mustapha Khiter and the various efforts made to have his remains either sent to Algeria or buried here in accordance with our Muslim tradition (instead of being cremated). Fifteen days after Mustapha’s passing on June 29, his spouse finally agreed to cede his remains for a proper Muslim burial with the condition that she should not be held responsible for any financial expenses. I am calling on your help and solidarity to raise the $25,000.00 that will cover the funeral home stay, the funeral arrangements as well as the legal fees for the lawyer hired on June 30, 2023 to bring the matter to the court on behalf of his family. Any donation, no matter how small will be appreciated. May Allah reward you!

Chers compatriotes:

Nous faisons appel a votre sens de solidarité traditionnelle afin  d’assurer un enterrement digne et conforme a nos traditions a notre ami et compatriote, Feu Mustapha Khiter. Son epouse avait decide d’incinérer la dépouille, un acte contraire a nos croyances et nos traditions. Quinze (15) jours apres son deces, un accord a été enfin conclus avec son épouse sous conditions: toutes les dépenses ayant trait a cette tragedie et estimées a $25,000 (pompes funebres, enterrement, frais de l’avocate recrutée pour la circonstance, etc…) soient prises en charge. Nous sommes surs que vous repondrez a l’applel. Soyez libres de partager cet appel avec les members de la communauté et qu’Allah vous recompense et accorde sa misericorde a Mustapha.

Djazaoukoum Allah kheyran!


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