I am an ESE teacher of 26 years. I have worked my last 26 years helping children with special needs.
I am overwhelmed trying to keep up with my medical bills for my Crohns Disease, Turners Syndrome, Thyroid, Hearing ( wear hearing aids) and Cholesterol issues.
I am a single woman, unable to live alone due to my fatigue level. My parents stay with me so I am able to teach; which I enjoy.
My medications include: Entyvio every 2 mos for my crohns disease given thru IV.
HGH for lack of growth hormone due to Turners Syndrome. These were injections taken daily for 3 yrs of junior into senior high school, injection for uncontrolled diabetes that I am unable to get to Drs desired level, though I walk 2 miles each day and my weight is good. Meds for Thyroid, Heart and many other needed supplements due to crohns.
In 2005, 08 and 2018 I became very ill and was hospitalized most of the yr. My parents sold their home to take care of me due to trips needed to Boston, MA. Those trips and the Dr got me out of a wheelchair and iv meds to walk and return to work. Crohns relapses every 3-5 yrs. I close to dying 2xs.
During those times my care emptied my parents retirement fund and kept them working until just recently. My dad is 76 and my mom 72. Mother has had cancer and father has health issues.
I would like to take the burden of medical bills, even though, they will continue for my lifetime, off their minds.
I have aways helped others in the small way I can. I donate t the Senior Oil Account in my home town, provide used or new clothing for students in need and tutor if a child needs help.