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Please pray for John Dillon who has Stage 4 Prostate Cancer. He has been receiving treatment at a clinic only 85 miles from his home. However, as this treatment is not expected to completely heal the cancer, John will travel to Scottsdale, Arizona, for treatment at Envita Medical Center.

“Envita Medical Center is an integrative center of excellence for personalized oncology and Lyme disease treatment located in Scottsdale, Arizona with over a hundred years of combined research and clinical experience treating the most difficult and complex cases.” (https://www.envita.com/)

John is looking forward to receiving this personalized oncology treatment, once he has sufficient funds to cover the cost of treatment. Your gifts will be greatly appreciated.

John is also looking forward to the time when he will be able to return to his work, assisting Bible translators in Asia by helping translators with their language technology needs. For example, by importing a dictionary into Fieldworks Language Explorer, he gives the translators a valuable tool for choosing just the right words that are needed for the translation. (He and his wife Lois lived and worked in Southeast Asia for 19 years. Following Lois’s passing in 2011, John now works remotely from his home in Missouri.)

Thank you for your prayers and for your gifts.

UPDATE (January 3, 2024)

On November 30, 2023, John met with the doctor at Envita for an initial consultation and had blood drawn for lab work. Once the results were available, the doctor would prepare a personalized treatment protocol for John. A phone consultation with the doctor was scheduled for December 21 to discuss the treatment protocol. However, they subsequently discovered they needed additional blood samples, so on December 27, a phlebotomist came to his house and drew the additional blood samples required. The phone consultation is now scheduled for January 17.

After meeting with the doctor he will have a clearer understanding of the cost of the proposed treatments. Pray that he will clearly hear from God regarding when he should return to Arizona to begin the treatments. He will need to pay up-front, either monthly or weekly, for each treatment that he receives. It is easy for him to become anxious, thinking, “What if I won’t have enough money? What then?” Pray that he will trust the Lord to provide the funds as they are needed. He is thankful to God for the many people who have already contributed to his health expenses.



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