• help@givetaxfree.org

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Hello, I would like to ask for your help to get stem cell treatment for the stroke I, unfortunately, had back in July that took almost everything that made life important to me…. This stroke came only a couple of weeks after getting the Pfizer vaccine booster shot, and I have no evidence that they are connected, but the timing made it hard to dismiss. If you want to hear my sob story, I have had type i diabetes most of my life, got diagnosed as a kid in an army hospital in Germany…..not fun….and now this! Please help me raise $20,000 for the treatment, which costs $11,400 then we also need flights and everything else so I ask for 20 just so everything is covered. This is the only treatment that can give me some of what I lost back, which is a lot, and I don’t want to be a cripple the rest of my days if I can do otherwise! So I ask you to give me this chance, please. Because without this treatment stroke will have taken almost everything in my life that was me out of the picture, and I don’t want to suffer this if there are therapies that can help even if they are so new that insurance won’t cover them yet!!! Please help me get some of my life back!! …and I thank you no matter what you decide for even reading this far!! Thanks!!  It is a two day treatment in chicago where they take some of MY bonr marrow, mix it with their stuff, then shoot it with a needle up through my nose and into my brain!   doesn’t sound too fun.  But that’s the treatment, and like I said it costs $11,400 plus airfare, hotel, and food, anything left over I will donate to another!!  It’s not money I need, but the treatment.  🙂


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