• help@givetaxfree.org

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Hello, My name is Lewis Ira Hagan and I am a stage 4 metastatic adenocarcinoma colon cancer patient. I was once self employed until my diagnosis. I also suffer from severe neuropathy which is a side affect of the chemo which was administered  into the affected area . This consisted of shaking my body like a cocktail during my 3rd surgery for a duration of 90 minutes. Overall the surgery which was scheduled to take 12 hours lasted 15. I was cancer free from February  2019 till February 2021 a complete 2 years until the cancer return. The oncologist  and I  maintain a monthly visual of the cancer which was  in my stomach lining, rectum and kidney before the surgery. Since its return it has  only grown to the size of a quarter. My cancer is not like others think of moss that grows on a tree. My cancer spreads like that and is small in size. I’m here asking for your help because even in my situation I try to help others and I was totally scammed! I am seeking to raise money to pay off the bills I am now indebted to as well as the money I had saved for my funeral expenses.  Unfortunately I was a victim of a well planned scam for over a 6 month time frame. Now with all of my bills including gas, electricity and my rent being behind now by 5 months. I’m now in dire straits. Not to mention that one my medication is not even covered by insurance  which helps me with pain and helps me maintain an appetite. I truly am at my wits end! My income isn’t the greatest even with the social security COLA increase and my son help. I do not want to end up homeless or feel my dignity striped away because of helping someone I trusted. They literally took my kindness and my medical condition as a sign of weakness to benefit for there own greedy needs and they were basically homeless leaving out of the casinos in Atlantic City, New Jersey. My situation may not be to everyone’s understanding or even deserves your donation, but for those who understand my physical, and emotional trauma along with the depression and anxiety that I am currently going through with just the cancer! Now to have this added on to me as well and its just to much to keep enduring on a daily basics. I greatly appreciate everyone’s time who read this to the end and appreciate your finical help and your prayers of love and for your kindness. I wish you all the best for helping me in my time of need. Respectfully submitted to all, Lewis Ira Hagan


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