• help@givetaxfree.org

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I recently found out I’m having heart failure symptoms from years of untreated sleep apnea. It has caused me to have seizures, blackouts, narcolepsy, and brain damage. I am also dealing with fluid in my lungs and back and hip injuries from an auto accident a year ago. Doing small work that I physically can do but nowhere enough needed. I’ve always helped those I could as much as I could, and now I find myself in need. I have really good insurance but need help as I was the head of the household. My daughter graduates in a few months, and this couldn’t have come at a worse time. Bills racking up, costs for medical tests and the expenses go on and on. I have a chance to get this turned around before some conditions become permanent. 

Dear God, please give me strength when I am weak, love when I feel forsaken, courage when I am afraid, wisdom when I feel foolish, comfort when I am alone, hope when I feel rejected, and peace when I am in turmoil. Amen.


I recently found out I’m having heart failure symptoms from years of untreated sleep apnea. It has caused me to have seizures, blackouts, narcolepsy, and brain damage. I am also dealing with fluid in my lungs and back and hip injuries from an auto accident a year ago. Doing small work that I physically can do but nowhere enough needed. I’ve always helped those I could as much as I could, and now I find myself in need. I have really good insurance but need help as I was the head of the household. My daughter graduates in a few months, and this couldn’t have come at a worse time. Bills racking up, costs for medical tests and the expenses go on and on. I have a chance to get this turned around before some conditions become permanent.


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