• help@givetaxfree.org

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Hello! My name is Tiffany Major and I am creating this fundraiser on behalf of my family. We are going through a really difficult time financially with unexplained medical problems with me and cancer treatments for my husband Sean. In September 2022 we found a lump on Sean’s testicle and we got a quick referral to a Urologist after his PCP did an ultrasound and saw it was a mass. The result was an Orchectomy. He got that a week later (early Oct.) and his tumor markers still showed that he had cancer (found out Nov. 23rd). During this time he was going through a job change and he started his new job November 28th. Because of the job switch we had no income coming in for a month and we were doing everything to scrape by. We made it! (Or so we thought). We had medical bills piling up fast! Some from earlier in the year for Sophia (our now 10 month old daughter)…we were on a payment plan and were being considered for additional time…that we found out were denied in Dec.) Medical bills for me (Tiffany) that I have been having constant pain since the middle of Sept and we are still trying to figure out what is going on. I had to get all of these tests, emergency room visit, and colonoscopy done to rule out possible causes. My next stop is laproscopy to see if I have Endometriosis. And now we have Sean’s four cycles of chemo, scans, bloodwork…we are now drowning in medical debt. There are payment plans, however we cannot afford them and have exhausted all appeals. We are going to have to start making difficult decisions soon if we do not get relief. This money is going to go towards medical bills, housing payments, etc.to get us back a float. I (Tiffany) have been doing instacart, doordash, and working as much as I can to keep us above water, but everything is starting to crash down. Sean is trying to work as much as he can as well, however with treatments and now him getting COVID he is wearing down fast. With that said, we have decided to turn to friends and family for help. Any amount is helpful and you will get a tax deduction letter as well. We appreciate you all! -Tiffany, Sean, and Sophia Major


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