• help@givetaxfree.org

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I am reaching out in the hopes to try and defer all, or some of the cost of my 15 year old daughters spinal surgery. She will be having surgery approximately 300 miles from home, at the Mayo in Rochester, MN. This surgery will require the family to be displaced in a hotel or similar for a week or more. 5 to 7 days on average for her type of surgery. Hoping to get some help to cover our stay, food and gas. Not to mention the time off from work to stay near her. The only thing my insurance will cover ( other than the medical stuff itself) is free transportation for her and her alone. That is obviously not a viable solution. Sending a 15 year old off to have a scary surgery solo is not in the cards.  She is at a 50 degree curve at T10 due to idiopathic scoliosis of the thoracolumbar region and will require her spine to be fused straight.  She was diagnosed with scoliosis two years ago it was monitored every three months with x-rays. Stayed at 32 degrees for a long time. Then with covid appointments kept getting pushed out, rescheduled and then just wasn’t required do to no change happening for so long. Then came the back pain. The family doctor ordered x-rays again and this is where we are at, just in time for the winter heat bills, crappy travel, and the holidays.

Ibuprofen every four hours like clock work, even through the night some nights, heat patches, heating pads, weekly physical therapy appointments a lot of pain and discomfort with much more discomfort to come unfortunately.

My daughter is a worry wart and knows this is going to be a financial drain on the family. It is adding to her stress and I would really like to ease her mind in that respect.

Thank you for reading!


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