(Written by our friend and neighbor) Our dear neighbor and friend Rose has been having multiple health issues for the last several years. She was diagnosed with epilepsy many years ago and last year was told that she does not have it. Unfortunately, taking medication that she didn’t need for many years has caused complications with other conditions she does have. It has also led to complications with her liver and kidneys. Access to quality care here in New Mexico is hard to find as we are in the middle of an exodus of doctors from our state. In frustration, she contacted the Mayo Clinic in Phoenix and although she was told there would be a lengthy wait, through a stroke of luck, she was seen within weeks. The universe knew she needed help… Her condition requires frequent trips to Phoenix in the interest of continuity of care. While her medical insurance covers a large part of her care, the trips out entail a rental car (as they have an older vehicle), and of course, food, and lodging (almost $300 a night) at a local hotel. This situation puts Rose and her husband Jim in the unenviable position of having to choose between paying day-to-day expenses and receiving healthcare. It also forces them to delay care while they save up money for expenses to travel and stay in Phoenix for time and frequency required for treatment. Rose will be traveling to Phoenix twice in the coming months. Her first trip be in a few weeks for consultations and testing with a gastroenterologist and neurologist. Her second trip will be in the Fall with a neurologist and cognitive behavior therapist receiving therapy, which will help to treat her chronic migraines and stress caused by the previous misdiagnosis and the needless medications that wreaked havoc on her body. Again, any amount donated will help Rose and Jim. They are caring, kind people who don’t want to take more than they need. We all so appreciate your generosity and consideration of their plight.
Update: Rose just got out of the hospital after a long 13 day stay, while 8 of the days were in ICU. Her struggles continue with her health.
Next she will be seeing an ENT specialist, Neurologist and Liver Specialist the first week of May at the Mayo Clinic in AZ.
Her continued medical care is greatly needed.
Thank you to all who have already donated to her Medical needs fundraiser. Every dollar counts.
You are so well loved and appreciated! 💕