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To all who read this. I want to thank you for taking the time to read it and consider me for donations.

My name is Randall Siler I am 68 years young and have stage 4 prostate cancer which has metastasized to my Lymph nodes and bone. Yeah, that sounds bad. I am choosing to fight cancer by understanding how my prostate cancer works. There is a huge amount of evidence in the past few years indicating that starving the cancer cells using diet, supplements, and off-label drugs synergistically has a much better success rate than chemotherapy and radiation treatments.

I am choosing this path because I made a commitment to my wife, my sister-in-law, and my brother-in-law to help raise my 5 nieces and nephews who all are physically and mentally challenged.

My brother-in-law Jeff and sister-in-law Cindie adopted 5 children, all of who is Down syndrome, autistic, physically challenged, and have other assorted mental issues. They adapted some of the kids a few years ago and some more recently (the kids are now ages: 4-24). Yep, we’re all over 60, call us crazy, crazy for these kids (people) to have a wonderful life. They are wanted and loved by us.

We started this journey 5 years ago while we (my wife Christine and I) were in California getting my mom’s property and sisters settled after my mom passed. Jeff and Cindie asked us if we wanted to commit to this project (raise our nieces and nephews while getting the property set up for the rest of their lives. We jumped on board so fast, we have always wanted to live off the land and we are so excited to be involved with them and this project.

We planned to do this in Arizona which is where we are from and they were still here. So Jeff and Cindie and those kids started traveling around the areas we wanted to live to find us the right place. We had some special requirements. It took 3 years to find the right place for us.

In Sept 2022, we moved to the property to start building out the place and I went to the doctor and was told I had prostate cancer, the super aggressive kind. I had surgery and was doing well, checking out my options and found that the cancer had spread. I don’t want to end up like so many people who either die or live a mere shell of a life until the cancer comes back and kills them. I have lost several family members this way, the toll it took on them and their family was devastating.

I made a commitment to my family to be there for them to help build this place for these kids, to teach them how to do things like gardening, raising animals, making needed items, about the stars in the sky and so much more. This place is for them when we are not here anymore, this is their home.

I have researched cancer and know that there is a better way than to just treat the symptoms. You can really kill it. If you only do chemo and radiation therapies, it will come back and be worse than it was. The way to beat it is to understand how cancers work and then use that knowledge to kill it. Sounds simple but there is a lot involved.

Unfortunately, the insurance companies do not pay for these kinds of treatments.

I thank all of you and my family thanks you for your giving no matter how much, it all makes a difference. THANK YOU!

First-month treatment Euro-Med -$28,000.00 – Not sure how much the following treatments will cost because we have to see what is going on with cancer and then plan our next course. Yes, there will be more treatments needed.

1 year with Mobile Health Doctor treatments $4999.00 – then again follow-up and/or extra treatments needed.

Gas money for treatments as places are over an hour away.

Supplements and special foods

Again, thank you for taking the time to read my story.  Cancer is beatable!  I intend to beat mine.  All I need is a little help from you.


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