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                                                          Asking for help!

Hello, my name is Robin Wedding. It has taken much consideration on my part to get the nerve up to ask for any help.  Let me tell you a little about myself and the situation that I  am in. My husband (seperated) and I was living in a house here in North Alabama when He started to mentally, verbally, and physically abuse me, and on the day that he busted my head open and he seen the blood run down my face he packed his things up and left. Between my school stiffen and my regular paycheck I was able to afford the bills plus some but our landlord sided on my husbands side and gave me two days to not only move myself out of our home but also my disabled mother in which I had been taking care of at the time. By Sunday morning my landlord and another man showed up at the house and started to set my things out on the curb. My mother and I lost a lot that day. Things that you just can’t go to Walmart and replace. Between work, trying to get my mom in an assisted living home, trying to get a storage unit for what I was able to save, temporary placement for my dog, and moving, I was working around the clock. With my landlord busting in my front door with a gun that day he has not only done mental damage to my mom but also to my dog and me.

I have sold everything that I could sale and I also have a lot more things that I have listed around my area for sale. I signed up to be a door dasher but they are not hiring right now in my area either. A few days ago we had bad weather move in and we got some snow that eventually turned into ice so that hindered my efforts and closed a lot of roads, also. My parents have passed away and my sister is on a fixed income, so here I am after a lot of consideration asking you for help. All this is new to me because I have not only supported myself but also my four kids all my adult life. I’m only doing this because I am at the end of my rope and don’t know where to turn or what to do.  I have kept myself on a budget and all my bills at a minimal amount. Although my health has gotten worse I am still pushing forward and trying to support myself.

All my bills that I have right now comes to $390 a week and $1,067.50 a month. My weekly budget is my room rent and gas for my truck and my monthly bills include phone, storage, assisted living for my mom, and personal hygiene for me and my mom. She only gets $600 in disability a month and that barely covers the home that she lives in. I try my best even though at times I feel that I just am not doing enough.

If I am blessed to receive some help it would take some of the burden off me and I would be able to breath a little and maybe rest for a minute. I might be able to catch up on my school work and bring my GPA back up also. I’m not asking for a hand out, just a hand to help me get back on my feet again. All I’m asking is for a boost to help get back on track again not only for myself but also for my family,too.

If you can bless me, I would like to Thank You in advance for all the blessings and also for taking the time to read my post. I do know that life can get to all of us if we let it, so time is valuable.


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