• help@givetaxfree.org

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My name is Cindy Olsen and I am asking for Help in paying rent. We are $5000.00 behind in our rent. I am an Army Veteran and 20 year nurse. I have spent a large portion of my life helping others. In June 2015, I could not breath, I had palpitations and my pulse was 125. I went to the VA Hospital ER. I was hospitalized. It was discovered that I had fluid on my lungs. They drained 750ml of fluid off my right lung. I was told I could not work and was on oxygen. I have not been able to work. I was Diagnosed with Pulmonary Fibrosis, which I am unable able to get Air into my lungs.  As a result of my illness, We are severely behind in the rent.  I have recently returned to work, part-time.  I went to the Management office today (saturday 11/12/16). I was told that either I come up with at Least $1500.00
or we will be kicked out.

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