• help@givetaxfree.org

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I am a sophomore at Colorado Christian University 2x majoring in Health Science and Psychology. Last summer I had the opportunity to go to the Philippines for 2 weeks with my colleges mission program (CCU2theWorld). I really enjoyed my time, and I have prayerfully considered returning this summer for an extended time!

In June 2020, I will be traveling back to the PHL for a 2-month extended missions trip. I will be volunteering through Kids International Ministries (KIM), and I will also connect with other missions’ teams.

I will be helping in the local orphanages, local pregnancy clinic, schools, churches, possibly Josies Angels (rescued girls from human trafficking and/or abusive homes), and feedings (providing food/toys to the Filipino children).

All donated money will go toward life essential necessities such as housing/shelter, food, and medical expenses for me while I am in the Philippines. Furthermore, the donated money will also go toward food supplies/toys for the children during feedings.

The pictures are from my time last summer with an amazing team! I pray that the Filipino families will see God through me again 🙂       


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