• help@givetaxfree.org

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UPDATE: The Volley Ball posts have been paid for, thank you so much!


Wow, thanks to you and the Lord’s faithfulness we’ve reached our goal for our expected expenses! You may continue to give if you feel led. As we finish out the next 6 weeks training leaders for Adventure Ministry at El Monte, we will direct any amount above our expenses to Latin American adventure ministries! 


Thank you so much for your interest in supporting us through prayer and finances! 

God has put on our hearts a desire to use adventure in the wilderness to teach and disciple others and to be a resource for Latin American leaders to do the same. So, we are heading to Oaxaca, Mexico from August to February to serve and learn at Roca Blanca Mission Base. We have the wonderful opportunity to serve the Kingdom of God, have a immersive experience with the culture we would love to serve and Alaina will learn to speak Spanish.

The mission base provides medical care, evangelism, youth and adult education, trade school training, and partners with a local orphanage. We will both be serving in whatever capacity is needed, but specifically teaching Physical Education at the base preK-12th school, helping translate for teams at the medical clinic as well as medical missions trips to indigenous communities. During this time, Alaina will also be studying Spanish at the language school which helps fund the mission base operations.

We are raising support to help cover our living expenses while we serve at the mission base. Our monthly goal is $1400/month for the 6 months we will be serving. Our expenses include transportation, housing, living expenses, and language school. Any amount above our goal will be donated to Latin American wilderness ministries. 

We so appreciate all your prayers and support!

Peter & Alaina


For more updates you can sign up for our mailing list at: http://eepurl.com/hUtby5

September 2022 UPDATE: https://mailchi.mp/[xxxxxx]/wilson-september-update-9303349

We have been in Mexico for nearly a month! It still feels unreal at times. Alaina is doing great in language school and Peter has been able to step in as a PE teacher and Sports Coach for the K-12 school on the mission base. We are adjusting to and enjoying our surroundings and everyone we meet. If you’d like to know more, check out our August recap!

Life in Cacalote email: https://mailchi.mp/0f64580a2613/life-in-cacalote

August 2022 UPDATE: http://mailchi.mp/782aae825ece/wilson-august-update-9297229

We are just a few days away from flying out to Mexico and we are so excited! Alaina was able to test into the second session (yay!) that was a huge prayer request that was answered! Now we are praying for smooth travel logistics for the next week! Thank you so much for all your prayers and support.

6/28/22 UPDATE: http://mailchi.mp/782aae825ece/wilson-july-update-9297229

We booked out tickets! Paid the school registration and are beginning to pack our bags and sell some things to help cover expenses! God is so good!



Please share this campaign on social media so that others can help and make donations.