• help@givetaxfree.org

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On March 14th of 2022 I was Hit by an uninsured driver who was driving a large SUV as I was Crossing A Crosswalk as a Pedestrian.  My Injuries sustained were 3 herniated disks in my neck and Fractured Right Hip, Fractured Pelvis, Fractured Right Knee.  I Spent 2 weeks in the hospital and had surgery to remove the 3 vertebras from my neck.  I was given a wheelchair and Discharged with instructions not to stand or put any weight on my right side to allow my fractures to heal. Return and followed up in 9 months to a year for physical therapy.  So 1 yr later I go back into the hospital because my feet had swollen and my toes split open seeping blood so i had gotten an infection in my feet spent another 2 weeks in the hospital then sent to a nursing home rehab center where is where I’ve been for the last 6 months trying to get my legs uncontracted. I’ve had another surgery to remove the disintegrated right hip ball then sent back here for intensive therapy to get my legs uncontracted so I can return for another surgery to replace the removed right hip so hopefully I can walk again.  I’m now on medicaide and my hospital bills are covered but at the time of the accident my private insurance did not pay citing out of network and I acquired $70,000 in hospital cost which have not been paid and are now my responsibility this has caused my credit score to plummet to 519 which is bad.  My monthly retirement income from the State of Ohio is now taken by medicaide with the exception of $50.00 a month allowance for personal incidentals.  Your  Financial Contribution is greatly needed and will be appreciated!


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