Shaun Kornusky is currently listed on the UNOS list for a heart transplant. Plagued with a life threatening heart condition that reared its ugly head at the ripe age of 12 years old when a cardiac arrest with sudden death turned his life completely upside down. Shaun spent a considerable amount of time in the hospital at that point, and over the years has endured test after test. He has had several ICD’s (Implantable Cardiac Defibrillators) placed and replaced and his heart is tired. The words “heart failure” were two words he didn’t anticipate hearing at the young age of 40 years old and that’s a lot to take in. After many years of medical setbacks, Shaun is finally getting a chance at the life he deserves with a heart transplant. He has a wife and two young busy boys, as well as countless friends and family who are supporting him every step of this journey in any way they can. He and his family could not make it through this process without their support.
We ask that you consider opening your heart to assist with the many expenses that come along with extended hospitalization and care for the boys, pets, bills, and home until Shaun is healthy enough to return to work one day. Thank you so much for considering opening your heart for a life saving cause!
Lastly, and most importantly, please keep this family in your prayers for a smooth surgery and recovery. Extra prayers are requested for the family members of Shaun’s future donor. This is an extremely emotional journey for all involved, and we would like to make sure that even though we won’t know them, that they feel the arms of Jesus wrapped around them during their most difficult time.
Almighty God,
whose Son, Jesus Christ, restored the sick to wholeness of mind and body,
bless Shaun on receiving a donated heart.
Restore him with the gift of health,
that he may continue to serve you with hope and thanksgiving.
We pray, too, for the donor and family,
whose courage and compassion has enabled the possibility of this transplant.
In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.