• help@givetaxfree.org

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My wife had to undergo open heart surgery on December 20, 2022. She suffered a stroke, and it was caused by a blood clot created by a cyst on her heart. She has no health insurance as we simply cannot afford it. I’m an 80% disabled veteran and unable to work. I also have no insurance, thanks to OBAMA’s sequester of the military. I lost my job, insurance, etc. We basically have no extra finances to survive without her income, which is now pretty much non-existent. I am searching for something I can do from home as she will need someone with her to assist her in daily tasks. We do not qualify for SSI or SSDI since she had not worked for the required years to qualify, and they consider my income from my VETERANS Pension. I do not wish to have someone pay our way in life, but this is simply more than we can successfully navigate. I’m 61 years old, and people find a way not to hire me, and she is 60, and with the stroke, she will not be able to find work at all. I have already been contacted by several individuals who said they were happy to assist us, only to find out halfway through the process that they were scammers. What kind of person does that sort of thing to people in need? We will likely lose our home if something doesn’t change. It is embarrassing to have to ask anyone for money, but when you sit next to your wife, whom you love with your whole heart, you’ll do a lot of things you didn’t ever think you would do.


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