• help@givetaxfree.org

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In March of 2024, our teenage daughter informed us that she was repeatedly assaulted by a boyfriend. We reported this to our local sheriff’s office. They did an investigation and told us they were most likely going to arrest him not only for what he did to our daughter, but because of threats he made via texts to others, including threats regarding their school. They interviewed him and said he was polite and getting ready to leave for the military so they decided not to arrest him just yet and to instead just forward the case off to the state prosecutor. We were shocked and my daughter was scared. Now he knew that she reported him.

While we were waiting for an appointment with the state prosecutor who received the case, my daughter’s fears took over her and she attempted suicide via pills. Thank God we got her to the hospital in time to save her life. She stayed in the hospital for several days and was then transferred to a behavioral health facility.

Unfortunately, we did not have any medical insurance for the entire month of July as she was in between coverages. So far, we have only received the bills for her emergency visit and it is already in the thousands. They ultimately transferred her to a children’s hospital where she stayed several nights while they worked to push the medication out of her system, observe her throughout this time, and prepare to send her for additional mental health assistance. We still have another week’s worth of medical bills that we will eventually receive. We need all the help we can get as my daughter’s bills have racked up and we are still trying to help her feel safe from her attacker.


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