• help@givetaxfree.org

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Hi, my names is Angel and currently have been in a terrible situation with life and just don’t have much family and no where to turn. At this point I’ve tried everything to reach out for any help with what’s been happening in my life. I’ve moved around a lot growing up and didn’t really have the best childhood, I mostly grew up homeless with my mom and 2 of my sisters but we eventually were able to get a place in housing after awhile. Growing up I didn’t really have any role models or people I truly looked up to since my father went to prison when I was 9 and then my brother when I was 12. Losing them gave me no sense of direction in life but I found a way to make something of myself, I would play all kinds of sports if it was free and always kept myself busy. I even went to a technical school to learn a little about the trades, once I graduated I wanted to continue my education by going to school but my mom couldn’t afford it and we couldn’t find a loan with the credit that she had. I was forced to take a year off of school to work and save money for the next year and managed to save enough to go with a scholarship to play lacrosse. I was able to afford 2 years of college until it became too much to handle. My grades were amazing but I didn’t have the money to continue and tried my all to get back to school. I still want to pursue my degree but have been needing the money to go back. Once I couldn’t afford school it was difficult to find a job since I had no car or a place to live, my loans were catching up to me and there was nothing I could do at the time. I was able get a job for minimum wage and saved enough to rent an apartment with a roommate and buy myself the Honda in the picture and once I started driving I was able to find myself a better job opportunity that focuses on the degree I am pursuing and can help me get back into school. I was slowly getting back on my feet but the car has finally reached its end and no longer takes me to work. I work 30 minutes away now and it’s been difficult to make it there and continue to excel in my life. I made a drastic decision so I don’t lose this amazing job I started and signed off on a car with a terrible credit score. I thought I would be able to just get the car but I need a down payment of $1500 to pick up the car and more to get it insured. The hours I’ve been working don’t help since I can’t get to the job anymore. Struggling to make it to work every day now is an enormous stress and everything I’m earning is going straight to rent, bills, and student debt that’s making it difficult to get any help or even get the stuff that I need like food and the transportation to continue to try and progress in my goals. This has been my only opportunity to get back on the right path with my life but I haven’t been able to come up with the money to stay on this path. I’ve tried everything I could and can’t take about any loans. It’s been super difficult to keep pushing everything I have but It’s the only thing I have going for me. Anything would help, my goal is to use this money will be used to help me continue to get to work, but also get back to school and continue my education so I can achieve my goals and get the career I’ve been working all my life for.


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