• help@givetaxfree.org

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Hi! My name is Kirk, and I have been diagnosed with large-cell squamous Carcinoma (tumor on my left tonsil). I seem to have a fantastic oncology team, but the bills are steadily mounting (3 rounds of chemotherapy and 35 doses of radiation). I also was recently laid off, and the worst part of that was losing my medical coverage. I was offered Cobra, but it boggles my mind that Cobra wants $700+ per month from a fellow that now has zero income. I think it would be a lot cheaper just to cease treatment and die. As horrible as that sounds, it’s absolutely true! I am not a beggar, panhandler, etc. and it hurts my southern pride to the core to even be asking for help. I wouldn’t if I had any other options. I was denied Medicaid as it seems the only criteria to qualify are to have kids at home (I’m 52, and never had children anyway, or to be pregnant, which is physically impossible as I am 100% American male, lol. The funny (not really) part is that if I had snuck into this country illegally, I would have free health care by now. Instead, I busted my, you know what, for 30+ years, Paid my taxes, paid into social security and Medicare every single paycheck, and now the US Government has seemingly kicked me to the curb. Makes no sense!!! Why are illegal aliens treated better than hard-working US citizens? I didn’t mean to get political there, it’s just completely frustrating!!


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