• help@givetaxfree.org

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My mom is 91, and her health is declining rapidly.   She’s now at the point where she barely interacts, and when she does speak it’s barely above a whisper.   They just put her on hospice care in our home, and I don’t know what to do.
Our bills are outrageous and I don’t have the money to continue to pay them. We could possibly lose our home. I take care of her 24/7 and get no sleep because every moment is devoted to her care, and I’m afraid something will happen at night if I do sleep.  I promised her I’d take care of her, and it’s exhausting, but my mom is my world

I’m trying really hard, but I’m asking anyone and everyone if they could just donate a little something to help me continue to keep Mom healthy, fed, and a roof over our heads. The bills are rolling in and I can’t control them, so if you could see it in your heart and just donate something, that would be wonderful.  Every dollar adds up, no matter if it’s one dollar or many.

I can’t thank you enough for your kindness. I wouldn’t ask for help if I didn’t need it. I’m always the one that gives, but at this time I urgently need help.  If you are unable to donate, because I know so many of us are barely scraping by, please please pray for our situation.   I believe in the power of prayer.    Thank you.


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