Hello friends and family! I have recently been awarded the incredible privilege to serve as Destiny Rescue’s Outreach Partnership Specialist in Phnom Penh, Cambodia! Starting in January I will be working closely with the rescue team to assist young women who are ready to leave the sex trade industry. As most of you know, these precious girls have been the burning passion of my heart for many years and this job is an absolute dream come true! But I can’t do it alone! I am in need of donations and sponsors to cover my living expenses for the next two years while I fulfill what the Lord has placed on my heart. If this is something you would like to sow into, here is how you can help! One time donations: One time gifts are incredibly helpful and even a few dollars goes a long way. I need $4,000 for a startup fund. This will go towards furnishing an apartment, buying some form of transportation (most likely a small motorcycle or moped), purchasing my plane tickets and visa, and anything else I need to get settled. Any donations received beyond that will go into the budget to cover my monthly expenses. Monthly sponsors: My living expenses in Phnom Penh will be about $800/month. This will cover everything: rent, groceries, gas, international health insurance, etc. I am looking for a small group of people who are willing to commit to giving a set amount each month for the next two years. Again, even a few dollars add up quickly! The money given on this site is tax deductible. I want to promise you that I will be a good steward of all donations-honoring to the sacrifice you have made to support me. From the bottom of my heart: thank you, thank you, thank you!