Janna was born 3 months premature at 26 weeks and weighed 1 pound and 5 ounces to first time parents, Joe and Danya. Janna was born in St. Louis, Missouri on August 9th, 2016 and she has lived in the hospital her whole life. She has been though a lot at such a young age but she continues to fight, even though the doctors said her chances of survival was 40 percent. Janna has had a surgery for a tracheostomy, which is a breathing tube inserted into a medically induced hole to help her breath because she is currently suffering from Chronic Lung Disease. She has also had a surgery to insert a feeding tube into her stomach to help feed her. On top of that, she has had a PDA, VSD, CMV and many other medical complications in her first 5 months of life. Janna is truly a survivor and a testament to all the premature babies in the world for their strength, courage, and will to survive. To add to all Janna’s medical problems, all her family and her mother and father’s family lives in California. The past 5 months that Janna’s has stayed in the hospital, she has only been with her mother and father and the doctors are saying she could be in the hospital for another year before she gets out. The parents live in California and the father works in California and has to go back to work in a few weeks. Currently, the parents have been staying in the hospital room with Janna or they stay in the Ronald McDonald House here in St. Louis. The parents are trying to get Janna to a hospital closer to home so they can be close to family and so the dad can go back to work but the only way to get Janna to California safely is by a medical transport from the hospital here in St. Louis to a hospital close to home in California. The parents have tried to have Janna Medical transported to California but their insurance company has rejected their claim 3 times. The cost of the medical transport is $50,000.00 dollars and the parents cannot afford it and the insurance is not will to pay for it. Please help baby Janna and her parents get home to California. God Bless and thank you.