• help@givetaxfree.org

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3 years ago on January 1st our lives changed forever. One minute we were welcoming in the new year together the next our world was turned upside down at 6 am in the morning when myself and my son were just waking up and sitting down to start our day a crash came from my daughters room .

I ran in to find her on the floor blue and having her first ever grand mal seizure. To say it was the scariest day of our lives is an understatement. Within minutes of calling 911 there were people flooding into my home trying to get my little girl awake as not only was she seizing she had hit her head/face on her desk in the process.

This started our ongoing and costly journey with epilepsy . She was officially diagnosed with Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy 3 months later and our journey of getting her seizure free is ongoing . She has had 6 total grand mals  since that day and daily absence seizures all while trying to be a teen and a year away from starting high school.

We have tried to do this on our own but bills are piling up and appointments and more tests , medication and trials are needed. My daughter has not let epilepsy stop her one bit and I want our family to be stress free to continue supporting her the best way we can through this journey together . The financial strain has been difficult but we are just blessed to have her still with us and will continue to do our very best to keep her safe and living life as normal as possible! The money will be used to pay off her many medical bills, ambulance rides, continued daily medication which she is currently on 3, and continued appointments at the children’s hospital in hope of getting her seizure free one day !


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