• help@givetaxfree.org

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In June 2022 I was diagnosed with stage 4 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and completed 6 cycles of chemotherapy which resulted in anthracycline-induced cardiomyopathy – permanent heart damage.  In November 2023 I was hospitalized and diagnosed with relapsed Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.  My airway was 50% obstructed by cancer and I began chemotherapy, at 28 weeks pregnant, after a brief stay in ICU.  This is to help me get to 34 weeks before I’m induced and begin the process for a stem cell transplant, a necessary life-saving procedure.

I applied for Social Security Disability benefits in July 2022 and my application is still pending review after a year and a half.  I’m disabled, have no income, and will be undergoing an intensive chemotherapy regimen and stem cell transplant in January 2024.  To qualify for the transplant I need $3,000 of dental work, that medicaid will not fully cover, to address a cavity that requires a root canal.  The transplant cannot be performed without it because of the risk of life-threatening infection as I will not have an immune system during and after the transplant.  The recovery time is 1 year.

Because of all of the complications resulting from my cancer and treatment, including a newly acquired rare auto-immune disease, I have many doctors and multiple appointments every week.  I’m 22 years old and cancer has already taken all of my savings.  My mother, and only caretaker, recently lost her job because of the significant time commitment related to my care and has limited financial ability to help.

Many of the cancer-related financial assistance programs are maxed out and not taking applications at this time.  I need help to pay for the required dental care that will allow me to proceed with the stem cell transplant, and assistance with the transportation costs of having so many appointments.


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