Matthew Tobin is 32 years old. He has Aspergers Syndrome (Autism) but is on the high end of the spectrum. He has struggled over the years trying to grow socially but has always been outgoing and friendly to everyone he meets. He has been living with his father in Kansas City, Missouri for the last 16 years but has been working towards becoming more independent.
In recent months, Matthew has been working and saving to move to Oklahoma with his brother and his sister-in-law. While visiting with family in Oklahoma, Matthew collapsed during a family photo at a barbecue. When doctors examined him, it was discovered that he has stage 4 colon cancer. There are several cancerous growths that are easily treatable, but one large mass that has grown into an obstruction in his colon. In addition, the tumor has grown through the wall of the colon and into the liver.
Matthew is currently at St Luke’s Hospital in Kansas City, Missouri, where he is receiving radiation treatment. Matthew will be starting on chemotherapy in the next couple of weeks, to try to stop the further spread of the cancer. Doctors are also exploring surgical options that will follow the chemotherapy.
Matthew is feeling weak from the treatments but remains positive about his chances for beating this cancer. He is in the fight of his life and needs his family close by his side. We are raising funds to cover the cost of housing, food and travel as well as providing for personal needs for family members while they are with him. Additionally, Matthew will not be able to work until he gets past this and will likely need home health care beyond what his family can provide.
Please consider giving to our campaign, as the need is great. We thank you for participating and appreciate your thoughts and prayers for him.