Matthew Joseph Freeman is a 32-year-old young man with Autism, who was misdiagnosed from October 2022 to February 2023 as having a hematoma, when it was actually a very large cancerous mass of 8 inches(19.6cm) in his abdomen. When he was finally diagnosed properly, we learned it was Stage C3 Seminoma Cancer that spread to lymphnodes and other organs.
Although Matt’s chemotherapy is covered by insurance, many of his prescribed medications and therapies are not. They didn’t even cover his pain meds, which we paid $180.00 cash for. In the month of April 2023 alone, I incurred a total cost of $655.00, of which I paid cash out of our tightly-budgeted fixed social security incomes. I am disabled myself, and
Matthew just finished round 3 of chemo, and his condition is such that he needs supplemental nutrition therapies that are not covered by insurance. Matthew will continue to need these monthly therapies until his chemo is over and he is fully recovered, which could be about 6 months, which, if my calculations are on target, and I think they are, would come out to about $3,600-$4,000 dollars.
Any amount you can contribute toward Matt’s medical therapies and uncovered prescriptions would be greatly appreciated. Matt is being treated at Lehish Valley Hospital, Cedercrest Blvd, Allentown, PA, 18103. Matthew’s Oncology doctor is Dr. Suresh Nair.
We are really struggling to make ends meet and keep our utility bills paid with the extra strain of the up-front costs of the treatments not covered by insurance. As Matt and I get a check of 900 dollars a month, we cannot afford to pay over $600 a month for uncovered prescription medicines and therapies.
If you cannot contribute financially, then prayers for us to get by, and for Matthew’s healing are appreciated.
God Bless You and Thank You,
Kim Freeman/Matthew Freeman’s Mom