• help@givetaxfree.org

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I never expected to find myself in a situation in which i would have to ask for help.  For the past six years, my beautiful and loving wife, Cynthia, has been afflicted with Multiple Sclerosis.  Unfortunately, this has caused a loss of most of our income as she she cannot work and I can only work part-time because she is now bedridden and needs 24/7 care and I am her primary caregiver. She applied for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) six years ago and was denied although she appeared at her hearing in a wheelchair.  That was a major blow to us. We appealed the ruling and waited.  During that time we accrued increasing medical expenses and, with no health insurance along with the lack of income, we were forced to seek help from family and friends.  They have been a blessing to us.  However, through the years of giving they are now also financially tapped out as well.  We then had to  begin selling our belongings and furniture to pay rent, bills and buy food. After battling the courts for six  years she was finally considered disabled and granted SSDI but have yet to see a payment.  Even with that help coming we still have mounting expenses as well as our my hope to get Cynthia walking again.  What she can desperately use now is In-Home Physical Therapy to regain her strength after being bedridden for so long. We now have health insurance but with a $4800 deductible Cynthia won’t be able to start PT until we reach that deductible.  When she begins receiving SSDI payments she may become eligible for Medicare but that is an unknown at this point. This has been an incredibly long, hard journey. And it has begun taking a huge toll on my health now too.  We would be so grateful for any help you can provide, even to help us with expenses during this  difficult time.   God has been so very good to us that we were the beneficiaries of $10,000 over the past few months.  To those of you that have contributed in the past our most heartfelt thank you goes out to you.  But as you can imagine, as frugal as we are, with high medical bills and living expenses the money went quickly. This is not easy for me and if you find find that you have resources to help we will be forever grateful. Cynthia is the love of my life! God Bless You. Frank and Cynthia Bongolan


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