In 2020, during the prime of his life, a young, middled-aged father was stricken by a stroke. For many months he lay in bed unable to move from his head to his feet. His young wife and son were devastated. Their lives were turned up-side-down. I, and the saints of the church prayed for him and his family, knowing and believing that our God was able to raise him up from his bed of affliction. After months of treatment, therapy, and continued prayer, the family began to notice small signs of improvement. He could move a toe and a finger, etc. He worked hard to help himself, and his wife and son encouraged and assisted him. Over the years, he has made great progress with the help of our God and those who love and care for, and about him. Today, this young man is wheelchair bound, and mostly confined to home, because of his mobility needs. He was blessed with a motorized wheelchair, but he is still unable to go many places with his family because their van cannot accommodate his chair, neither are his wife and son able to lift him into the van. His son is active in sports at school and in the community. Oftentimes, the father gets discouraged, because he is unable to support his son by his presence. Family gatherings are important times in their lives. These are often missed, because of lack of accessible transportation. This campaign seeks the donation of a wheelchair accessible van for this family, or financial donations towards the purchase one. What a awesome Christmas gift a wheelchair accessible van would be for this family!