• help@givetaxfree.org

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Hi there!

Thanks for reading this.  I am Dawn and I have a Pilocytic Astrocytoma (grade I brain tumor) on my brainstem. I had surgery on 8/1/2022 to partially remove, biopsy, and drain the cyst of the tumor. I was told that I would be back to normal in two weeks. Unfortunately, I woke up with an acquired traumatic brain injury from surgery and was unable to feel or move the entire left side of my body!

I have improved drastically during the last 10 months thanks to my dedicated family and friends, and a team of Physical, Occupational, & Speech/Cognitive Rehab Therapists. I am grateful to report that I can walk unassisted again.  Unfortunately, I still experience numbness and tingling in my left arm & leg, and even the left side of my trunk and face.  I developed a condition called Holmes Tremor due to nerve damage, affecting my left arm/hand, leaving me incapable of using that hand. I continue to have extreme brain fog, memory & cognition issues. I believe in the brain’s capacity to heal & I work hard daily in my recovery process.

Unfortunately, my current condition has rendered me unable to go back to work since surgery.  I sold my condo before my surgery, but have already spent the proceeds on medical & living expenses. I have applied for Social Security Disability to help me get by until such time as I am capable of working again. I have applied for every type of aide available in the State of Colorado.

These programs all take time, and unfortunately I am out of resources to meet my basic living expenses. I am reaching out for financial support. I would be grateful for anything you can afford to give. Donations through this site are tax deductible.

Thank you for your consideration!

Dawn (& my chihuahua Chewie)


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