Hi everyone, my name is Linda Nguyen and I am 37 years old. I want to first say, how very humble I am to learn of this organization. I would like to thank everyone here and all others who are supporters of my story and my daughter’s future.
Here is where I will begin my story. As a child, I grew up in an abusive home and when I was old enough, got married and left home, only to be divorced and childless. I know that one day I will have to explain to my daughter about my childhood. I am a Survivor. I thought about what I would tell her one day when she asks about my life, and what it was like when I was her age. There are some things I believe should absolutely be shared and I would do everything within my power to end the cycle with me.
I still have a difficult relationship with my parents and family but I am moving forward and I am trying to establish a healthy relationship with my parents and siblings whenever I can; even when it means that I don’t see them often. I have learned to set boundaries for myself. All my life I have lived in fear, had low self-esteem, had no confidence, had self hate, had no self worth and I didn’t believed in myself. I had stayed in unhealthy relationships and friendships because of money, fear, children, low self-esteem, pressure and lack of options and no where to go. I grew up angry at my mother for not leaving her abusive partner. I was stuck in the situation and too young and too naive to realize all the reasons why my mother couldn’t leave.
Today I have compassion and support for victims of abuse. There is no judgment nor shame coming from me. I am aware the kindness and encouragement that was passed down to me by other Survivors, and instead of putting constant pressure on someone else to “leave” and “better their life” or “situation” and whatever else people may say with disdain and misunderstanding; I am going to be loving and my friendship is going to be unconditional because I have been in their shoes and I am a Survivor also.
Self-love is the most important thing I can give to myself. Domestic violence and abuse in every way and form, has convinced me that I am nothing; that I am incapable, stupid, defunct in some irreversible way and dependent on my abusers.
Everyday I work tirelessly to remind myself, teaching myself and I am learning new tools everyday from various 12 Steps Programs; that I am worthy of respect, safety, and love; that I am a daughter of God and that I have value and no one, not a romantic partner or otherwise, can take that away from me. I would like my daughter to know this too one day when I can be with her again. She just turned 16 years old in November 2016.
I find myself reminding other women, that they should love themselves for who they are and who they’re working to become because they are worthy of it. I am worthy it. Today I love me for me.
Today my desire to get out of poverty and old patterns. So I will need your financial support starting today. I don’t have a car. I have not had a car since I was 23-24 years old, two years after my divorce. I have been taking the public transportation and now it includes biking with paddles to the train and work. A new bike would be nice to have right now.
I would like to have my daughter living with me in Houston when she turns 18 years old. I would like to have the funding to have her stay with me once a few times a year. I don’t have a house and I live in the Projects where gun shots are in constant motion at night. I desire a safe home.
I am asking for your financial support and encouragement to allow me to have a second (first chance). I don’t want her to see that poverty is all there is. Therefore I must seek for a before future for myself and my daughter by simply asking you to extend a hand to a mother in need. That is all I can do today and I can not do this without Prayer.
Thank you for Your time and Consideration.
I wish for everyone here to have a Happy NEW YEAR 2017!
I am Thankful and Grateful for New Beginnings and for turning over a new leaf.
Thank you from the bottom of my Heart.
God Bless all of YOU, Amen.