• help@givetaxfree.org

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Hello, My name is Thenelus and I am doing this for my nephews (Sheldon, Keon & Kiam) to halt their stepmother from taking their dad ( Freddie) off life support.  He is responding to pain, voices, and his blood pressure increases when the family comes to visit.  No one in the family knew how sick he was and we were surprised when he had a heart attack. He was without oxygen for thirty minutes and we do not know why he was without oxygen for so long.  Their father, my brother was prolife. He gave our father, and my sisters the thumbs up for keeping them alive.  And we know that Freddie would want this for himself.  He breathes some on his own when he is on a vent.  We do not have 4000.00 to pay the lawyer to file a petition to continue the life support and to prevent his being sent to hospice.   Our time is very short. Freddie worked with juvenile in delinquents Wayne County for 20 years before he retired.  He said that helping juveniles was his calling, because he often said he was given a second chance at life by having good mentors that steered him in the right direction.  He was an Army Veteran, who  served and loved his country.  He worked very hard to give his children a good life and gave wonderful advice to his siblings.  He didnt want anybody worrying about how sick he could get, even though we wanted to help him get better.  He could sing, draw and loved  sports.  He also loved going to church to praise God.  Freddie has been an all around good guy and deserves a chance to get better.  His family loves him and believes in faith and prayers to help heal him as well as the medical care that he is receiving.   Freddie loves his family.  He was the, “go to” for his kids as well as his siblings.  He listened to us and told us what he thought would work for our problems.  Sometimes it was painful to accept his words, however it was truthful because we knew he wanted the best for his family.


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