Hello everyone, thank you for taking the time to read this thread… first things first my name is Sierra and I am creating this fundraiser thing for my mother Heather Burns. As many of you may or may not know she is in stage 5 kidney failure, and in need of a transplant. Luckily for her we have found a donor. I am going to be her donor. She and her kidney doctor have decided to pro-long getting on dialysis for as long as possible for it increases and prolongs her life by another 5-10 years. Unfortunately her health is declining and we are scheduling the surgery relatively soon, but we need any help. If your wanting a background of how this happened I’m happy to share that with you by continue reading, about a year and a half ago my mom got an infection in her liver which caused a blockage, which unfortunately backed into her kidneys. Starting the kidney failure. Since then it had been declining steadily, up until the last few months, it’s rapidly getting much much worse. A now time is of the essence. Which with this type of situation time isn’t on our side. Now if you know my mom she definitely would never ask for help, but is always willing and would give you the shirt off her back, or her last $20 if you need help. She is not only a mother, but a daughter and a wife and also a grandmother of 3 soon to be 4 grand babies, and we want to make sure she’s here to watch them all grow up as any child of a sick parent would. So please 🙏 for her and help us by sharing. We are asking the same for her now I’m this time of need. She has to come up with $7,000 as a portion of her cost to get this life saving surgery. We appreciate any and all donations made. Please help us by donating or even sharing to help make this possible for my mom.