• help@givetaxfree.org

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This is me after my heart surgery.  I have not got to work since December 23, 2022.  I caught what I thought was a cold, and a couple days later I knew something was not, right so my wife Amanda took me to the Emergency Room.  There they found something was not right with my heart and sent me to Tulsa.  After being there for a few days they sent me into open heart surgery.  There they replaced my aortic valve, cleaned another valve, did a triple bypass, and done some reshaping of my heart.  January 13th, the day of my surgery they still have not released me and I have to have another procedure tomorrow because they do not like the way the incision is draining.  We have used our savings in driving back and forth to Tulsa, we need help in covering expenses such as rent, electricity, gas, phone and diesel driving back and forth for Dr. appointments, and such, as I have lost my job due to the health set-back.  I set the goal for $20K.  I know that seems like a huge amount, but all donations will be used for such care.  I realize that it is not the perfect timing, but any little thing helps.  This will help my wife tremendously on getting me back on track.  Thank you for your help.  I can personally guarantee that any donations that are not used will be donated to the American Heart Association.  Thank you again for your help.


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