• help@givetaxfree.org

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Hello, My name is Kerstin King; I am 26 years old, and I am married to my wonderful husband, Jason King. We have a beautiful 13-year-old daughter Satreyia, She is Jason’s bio child and I am her stepmother but I love her as my own. We have been together since 2019. My dream was to become a mother and I did that when I became Satreyia’s stepmother, but it’s still not the same when I am I am not her biological mother, and I could never replace her mother. We’ve been to many doctors and everything and they’ve said that I have the best chance to have a child would be IVF since I have been diagnosed with PCOS . I am asking for donations since we are not able to get approved for a loan, anything would be grateful. I really am wanting to have a child that is mine and I get to watch grow up since birth and give my beautiful daughter a sibling of her own. We found a great place for the IVF but I just can not afford the medications and treatment on my own. I really hate asking for help but anything helps me and I dream of being a mother and experiencing pregnancy and I would do anything to experience that and I would do anything to be able to be a mother and give my daughter a sibling and be able to watch that child grow up to become a strong independent person and be able to have a lot of grandbabies. I appreciate everything even prayers or advice!


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