• help@givetaxfree.org

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We are adopting from India…AGAIN!!! We have been home for 6 months with our sweet Deepa and our lives have changed forever. It is hard to imagine life without her. Our boys will still say at random times, “I can’t believe we have Deepa”.  And now we want a sister for Deepa! So you might be thinking “Wait…you’ve only been home for 6 months and you want to do it all over AGAIN?!” While we know it feels like it is so quick to start the whole process over again (because it is), the India adoption process can take 2+ years from beginning to coming home. Deepa’s whole process took over 3 years!  We’ve already begun India Adoption #2 and just completed our home study phase. Soon, we will be registered with India and will begin the matching process again! WOOHOO!!! We are asking for your help to bring home our sweet girl #2. We have no idea who she is, where she is, or how old she is, but we know Jesus already knows her by name and is waiting for us to bring her home. The whole Deepa adoption process, in total, cost us $45,000+. SOOO many helped us out financially and we are FOREVER grateful! We don’t know how the money is going to come, but we know we are feeling called to go to India and bring home another sweet girl with special needs. Kam, Shep, Ko, Deepa, and I appreciate any amount you give. Whether its $1 or $45,000, we are just so thankful to have you alongside of us.


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