• help@givetaxfree.org

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I have been needing serious dental work for many years.  I have applied to the dental school in my area and was accepted as a patient. The money I may receive here would help get my dental work done. I am 66 years old with many medical problems. I also have my daughter and her 2 girls living with me. She does a good job taking care of her and her girl’s needs but she’s disabled due t0 and back surgery that failed. She does her best to help me with thing that I need, however she’s not able to help me finacially. I have worked all my life helping others . I raised my children, worked as a CNA, I was a volunteer fire fighter for 15+ years, and I have helped others as I could. Now I am in need a little help. If you can help I would be very thankful!  I only have one good tooth and a bridge that needs to be replaced as well. Thank you and God bless!


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