Hey! I never in a million years imagined I’d be doing something like this but here we are. I had recently started working at a dental office and I was let go the beginning of January 2023 due to missing an entire week because the kids had fevers. They are 5 years old and 9 months old. RSV and the Flu are no joke and I am the sole parent to my children so I could not simply leave them to tend to themselves. I take full responsibility and understand they needed an employee that could be there rain or shine, but those of you with kids know that can be a challenge. I have been applying to all sorts of jobs, not just dental but I have yet to land a job and when I do it will be at least 2 weeks till I get any income. I’ve applied for assistance but my worker has others ahead of me and we’re just waiting our turn. I do go by the food pantries but some of the things my daughter can not eat. My daughter has severe dairy and egg allergies so I have to buy certain things for her. Groceries are so expensive right now anyway!
We had also just moved into a house prior to all of this and that added a natural gas bill and a water/trash bill into the mix that I had not previously responsible for. Again, this would not have been an issue had the kids not gotten sick and I lost that income. I was also required to furnish the refrigerator for this new house. I already had a washer through Rent-A-Center and the new place finally had dryer hook-ups so I thought ” what the heck? I have a job! And I NEED the fridge” so I added to my Rent-A-Center agreement. So now I’ve got to pay to keep those appliances as well. My electric bill is taken care of for at least the next 3 months *thank heavens* So February is the first water and gas bill that will be due since we moved in to the house and they both include deposits and hook up fees. You can plan and plan with the best of them, but life has its own plans. I planned that I would have that job and that would be okay. Unfortunately, I don’t and the bills are just more than they normally would be. My Jeep tag technically expired January 31, 2023 and my next insurance payment is due February 15th.
All of this to say, if you have it in your heart and your wallet to help, it would be going to a good place. Keeping our gas on, our appliances paid, car tag and insurance paid, as well as stocking the kitchen. Also, if you would rather pay a bill or portion of a bill or send groceries or something else, that would be absolutely wonderful as well. This site charges me a fee on every donation *which I completely understand, its how they stay in business* so if you’d rather help in one of the other ways I mentioned or if you have something in mind, reach out to me by email stallardh388@gmail.com I appreciate you taking the time to read this and if you cannot donate, please share.
below: screenshots of my insurance bill, my rent a center bill, my toll bill due that I have to pay in full before I can renew my tag, a screenshot of my water/trash bill, and my natural gas bill.