• help@givetaxfree.org

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 Can You give $1.50  to Help

$1.50 one dollar and 50 cents x about 100,000 donations Buys a New leg and for a Family Man, With A Huge Life Adjustment – Lost My Leg in a accident at home & Other Health Problems – In Need of Prosthetic and Medical needs. $1.50 x100,000 donations are about what will get this done. Worked hard my whole live, no reason to not work hard now.  this donation won’t hurt anyone I hope, if it does, please just help by sending to others, That is a huge help.    Please read below.

I’ve had a fun and adventurous life in my 56 years young, and I am not ready to give up or stop now. I’ve driven race cars, rode the Smoky Mountains in a CanAm, walked away from a plane crash and seen most of the 50 states through a windshield. I’m a family man, extreme workaholic, with all the responsibilities of paying the bills and putting food on the table for my family and pets, including my little buddy, a Shih Tzu named Ruger. Life has tried to knock me down numerous times, right now more than ever.  A little bit of history about me and the insanity of the last couple of years.

My wife and I met online, way before meeting online was cool, in 1995. We met in an Ohio chat room on Prodigy. We chatted on the phone for a couple months and met in person on September 23rd, moved in together September 30th and got pregnant October 7. Whirlwind relationship, 28 years, 4 fantastic kids, 5 grandkids and we’re still going strong. Behind every successful man is a stronger woman with the grit and backbone to handle it all and my wife has done just that!

The mantra of my life is hearing “you’re going to die” and “this will make you dead”. I’ve heard that from doctors more times than I can count. I’m that guy who wouldn’t take off work to go to the hospital until my appendix ruptured in 2010 and went septic with infection. With God’s grace, I’m still here to tell the tale.

I had my first heart attack on September 28th, 2000. My wife remembers the date because our daughter was 9 days old and went to the hospital with us. She was a beautiful baby and she got more attention in the ER than I did (kidding)! Over the next 19 years I averaged a heart attack a year (17 total, Guinness World Record maybe?), stints twice and a canceled open heart surgery date in 2013 (sent home with boxes of meds, felt like they sent me home to die). Finally, on April 15, 2019, I had bypass heart surgery after a failed stint attempt. Open heart surgery isn’t for the faint of heart (no pun intended). Two weeks in the hospital hurt my financial situation so I went to work on the way home from the hospital. I couldn’t believe how much better I felt…UNTIL

Two months after open heart I wasn’t feeling well, couldn’t catch my breath and extremely weak. I felt worse than before I had heart surgery. On June 22, 2019, I went into the ER and ended up in surgery at midnight on a Saturday night for a pulmonary embolism (blood clot in the lungs). They actually flew a doctor in on a helicopter for my surgery! The doctor wasn’t optimistic that I would make it through surgery and to his surprise, I did! The analogy he gave was the Detroit Lions stadium full and 1 person would make it. Another 2 week ICU hospital stay, bunch of new meds and going to work before going home. I didn’t have the luxury of taking time off. I was feeling great… UNTIL

In September of 2019, I wasn’t feeling well again and this time it was my stomach. I wasn’t keeping anything down, weak, and just overall feeling bad. Back to ER I go and this time it’s the gallbladder. Doesn’t sound like a big deal but I was on blood thinners and I couldn’t stop taking them due to the blood clot 2 months before. They wouldn’t do surgery due to bleeding risk so here’s some more new meds. Here it is July of 2023 and I’m still dealing with a bad gallbladder for other reasons to come. I was functioning with a bad gallbladder… UNTIL

In October of 2019, I went to North Carolina as part of a roofing company after a hurricane. I was a manager/adjuster. It’s hard to judge a roof from the ground so I stepped out on the roof of a hotel. The ground was a long way down and it didn’t feel good when I hit. I survived the fall, my back did not. L1 and L2 took most of the hit. Again, no surgery due to blood thinners, braces helped but didn’t fix the problem. At this point I was not able to stand up straight and walking became very painful. I pushed on and continued life, just at a snail’s pace… UNTIL

At the end of 2020, early 2021, I was once again weak and not feeling well. I was tired all the time, pale and just not feeling right. COVID was at it’s height and was very much a worry. I went to the ER in April and was told my hemoglobin was extremely low, like death point low. Another extended stay in the hospital, hospital food sucks! Of course now that my hemoglobin is low, no gallbladder or back surgery for me. Iron medication made me extremely sick so off I go for IV iron infusions every two weeks. Oh and by the way, you’re in renal failure, we’ll just keep an eye on it. I’m still working on a maintaining a healthy hemoglobin number… NOW

I dropped a marble brick (25 lbs maybe) on my right foot baby toe on April 23, 2023, just a week after scrapping the bottom of my foot on a wood board that left a nasty cut. Being diabetic and on blood thinners, I don’t heal well. On May 2, to the ER I go when the cut was looking extremely bad and my toe was turning black. Ambulance ride to a bigger hospital and that night 2 toes were removed, the next day the foot and 2 days later they removed my leg to below my knee. It happened so fast I couldn’t wrap my brain around it. I walked into the hospital and 4 days later I’m an amputee in a wheelchair. I’m 2 months post amputation. The muscle didn’t do what it was supposed to do and it has to be repaired. After this, I’ll be able to get a prosthetic leg. I’m excited about getting up out of this chair with a prosthetic… 

I do not have the funds to pay for a prosthetic leg, medical expenses, medications, rehab and travel to the doctors for my many, many appointments.  

I know God has a greater plan for me, otherwise I wouldn’t still be here after all the close calls I’ve had (trust me the above doesn’t include them all).  My wife and youngest son are awesome and have been helping me so much. My other 3 children live far away and there’s no other family close to help.

I’m a proud and stubborn man who has worked extremely hard all his life and am amazed at this predicament. Want to talk about bad timing? The story of my life.

On the plus side, I started school at HMI (Hypnosis Motivation Institute) last year. After a slight break, I will be returning to class!! I don’t think I could of made it through this without the coaching and caring of the teachers/professors. If you’re interested in become a HMI therapist, check them out, family owned, and ran by Mr. Goethe Kappis. 

I appreciate you taking the time to read my mini book and learn a little about me. I thank each and every one and thank God for the blessings that I have in my life. My family and I are thankful for you from the heart.

Just a quick note: I am working on a website to thank all the wonderful ones who have donated and spread the message, It all helps so much. I’ll also have a You-Tube channel coming to share how life, school, medical and family life is progressing.


laser engraving, cnc carving, fiber laser for metal engraving and a sawmill, that my son D is helping me run.  I have an awesome family, a great wife of 28 years, and 4 great kids, 1 still at home and I’m so lucky he is here.   

Thank you to my wife for all the stress you have put up with, with me. Its been a hell of a ride. Thank You

    Thank you to my Kids. You all are so great. I miss you so very much and it was a great Pleasure being your dad, you made me very proud to be a father of such great people. Thank You

YouTube   bobbyslife247

The website is coming along great.  YouTube, well, there is only so many hours in the day and I’m working 90 percent of them trying to keep my mind off this nightmare. 

Thanks To All


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