• help@givetaxfree.org

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I’m married to a man who walked out of my life because I’m sick. I helped this man for 15 yrs get back in forth to court so he didn’t get deported and he got citizenship.  Because of my cancer after he got his papers he cheated and moved out for a year.  I was struggling because I can’t work as I’m on disability. I been trying to leave since he cheated but no one would rent to me due to my fixed income I been stressed and depressed and unhappy then he went to Africa for two months while I was about to get jaw surgery in December 2023 and I had rods put in my arm in February 2024 and I have restrictions going to therapy for jaw and arm right now and I’m getting radiation on leg and rib and he still cheated on me again this time in Africa he the one that was paying rent Internet and food but every time he leave and come back he cut us short 😢 so when he came back after being in Africa for two months he started acting funny I ask him if he cheated he never said yes or no even though he know I’m hurting now my condition getting worse he told me he not paying rent packed his stuff and left I don’t know what I’m going to do rent is almost here 1st of every month 1200 if I can get so help I would appreciate it I don’t like asking for hand out but I have no other options


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