• help@givetaxfree.org

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I am a 49-year-old woman who has recently been diagnosed with Basal Cell Carcinoma. I can’t afford health insurance and I’m a single mom of 2 girls with a mortgage.  I just need some help to pay for treatment and household bills when I’m out of work to receive treatment once I can afford to get it.  Any amount would be greatly appreciated. My daughter is a cancer survivor and I’m hoping to follow in her footsteps but with no insurance I cannot get the treatment I need to fight this deadly disease. Thank you in advance for any and all support to help my family to fight together. I was denied Medicaid thru the state because they said I make too much however, the insurance at my job is too expensive and even if I had it the insurance would still leave a large sum of money I would have to come out of pocket for medication and testing as well as treatment. Please please consider helping me and my family. Every day it is a struggle to be seen in public with cancerous tumors and sores on my face. I am afraid of dying and leaving my children alone. I am also afraid of losing my house and being homeless. I fought to get my own house for a long time so my kids could grow up in a safe and decent neighborhood. Every day that I cannot get the treatment the cancer spreads and gets worse. I just want to go back to a normal life and enjoy the remainder of my life watching my girls grow up graduate, get married, and have babies of their own.


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